Hamilton Island Climate
January is summer holiday time, with an average rainfall of 284.4mm recorded over 15.5 days, average daytime temperatures of 30.4 degrees and overnight averages of 24.7 degrees.
February is the warmest and wettest month, perfect for a drink or two. An average rainfall of 316.5mm was recorded over 16.8 days, with average daytime temperatures of 30.1 degrees and overnight averages of 25.5 degrees.
Contact us for February specials, which usually represent the best value for money during the year.
March has an average rainfall of 275.8mm over 18.4 days, average daytime temperatures of 28.8 degrees and overnight averages of 24.8 degrees.
Contact us for details on our March Mayhem sale.
April is island marathon season, with an average rainfall of 192.6mm recorded over 16.9 days, average daytime temperatures of 27.1 degrees and overnight averages of 23.1 degrees.
May has an average rainfall of 123.8mm over 15.3 days, with average daytime temperatures of 24.8 degrees and overnight averages of 18.1 degrees.
Grab a bargain deal during our May madness sale; contact us for a special offer.
June is the time for keen runners to take to the pristine sands of Whitehaven Beach for the annual Great Whitehaven Beach Run, with average rainfall of 82.1mm recorded over 11.5 days, average daytime temperatures of 22.4 degrees and overnight averages of 18.1 degrees.
July is the coldest month and is perfect for golf or exploring the island. It has an average rainfall of 123.8mm over 8.6 days, daytime temperatures of 21.9 degrees, and overnight averages of 16.6 degrees.
Great Barrier Feast includes a series of separate haute cuisine weekends, offering guests the exclusive opportunity to immerse themselves in a ‘behind the scenes’ experience and learn directly from world-class chefs in a world-class setting.
August weather is perfect for exploring the island's hiking trails. An average rainfall of 63.7mm was recorded over 7.3 days. Daytime temperatures averaged 22.9 degrees, with overnight averages of 16 degrees.
Race Week is Hamilton Island's premier event of the year. Watch the regatta from your private balcony or join the party.
This is the island's busiest time of the year, so book early so you don't miss out.
September is traditionally the driest month of the year with an average rainfall of 40.5mm recorded over 6.9 days, average daytime temperatures of 27.6 degrees with overnight averages of 23.5 degrees.
October weather is tropical perfection, with an average rainfall of 40.5mm recorded over 6.9 days, average daytime temperatures of 27.6 degrees, with overnight averages of 23.5 degrees.
November is perfect for triathlons, ocean swims and golf, with an average rainfall of 94.3mm recorded over 7.8 days and average daytime temperatures of 29.1 degrees with overnight averages of 24.4 degrees.
December, with the Christmas and New Year break, is a perfect time to enjoy all the island's festivities, with an average rainfall of 185.6mm over 10.7 days, average daytime temperatures of 30 degrees, and overnight averages of 25 degrees.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are your Terms & Conditions?
How do I get the best and lowest price?
- You are guaranteed the best and lowest price when you book direct.
Tell me about the Valet Service
- On arrival you will be met at the Hamilton Island Airport or Ferry Terminal by your Valet Service and taken to your apartment.
- This is where you will be given your keys and complimentary private golf buggy.
- If there is any change in your arrival time prior to your arrival date, please contact us on 1300 679 559 or email info@hamiltonisland.biz
- Short notices of new arrival times may receive transfer delays as schedules are pre-arranged the night prior to your arrival.